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The world's strongest permeable paver is the paving of the future.

Serving North Carolina’s Piedmont Triad and Beyond

Replace concrete and asphalt with this sustainable option, where water flows into the earth naturally, filters naturally, and adds permeable surface for zoning and county rules.

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One small action can make BIG change on our earth and environment with Earth Flow Paving. The Earth Flow option ultimately creates a better, cleaner, less toxic environment for ourselves and future generations.



Less Heat + Earth Cooling

Reducing Heat Island Effect and thermal pollution caused by buildings, concrete, and asphalt, these pavers help steady and cool the natural environment by reducing solar rays.


Mediate Erosion and Flooding

Slip-resistant and ADA compliant, they are safe for pedestrians as well as preserving the surface. Active earth pressures, passive earth pressures, and aggregate interlock prevent particle movement.


100% Recycled

These interlocking pavers are 100% post-consumer recycled high-density polyethylene. They have high-impact recycled polymer. The incredibly strong material withstands over 6,000 psi compressive strength when filled and is dimensionally stable for -58F to 194F while still being customizable and saw cut to fit any space.


Cleaner air + water

Compatible and non-toxic, harmless to plants, animals, and microorganisms. The inert material is groundwater neutral. It produces less waste in the landfill and a more natural landscape.


Reduce Runoff

Achieving peak runoff rate reduction, water passes through the surface and reduces pollutants reaching receiving waters. It allows a natural filtering system for water to get back into aquifers. The material is highly resistant to oils, gasoline, acids, salt, ammonia, and alcohol.


High Load-bearing capacity

Designed with the highest load capacities of any grid system and can withstand significant structural loads. The pacers provide a stable and continuous load-bearing surface throughout parking areas.


Project Possibilities are Endless

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Innovative Driveways + Walkways

  • No potholes, puddles, cracks

  • Naturally attractive with many options for fill

  • Natural water filter for a cleaner environment

  • Style Versatility

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Parking lots that save

  • Eliminates retention ponds

  • Quick Installation

  • Lower maintenance costs

  • Frees up that land for something more valuable for your business

  • Lasts 50+years

  • Customizable with labels and lines, ADA compliant

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Tough and functional commercial areas

  • Dust mitigating

  • Weatherproof

  • Built to withstand weight and elements

  • Strong for heavy use + loads

  • Successfully installed by Google, AutoNation, Whole Foods Markets, NASCAR, the U.S. Military, and others.

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Cooler commercial and residential Patios

  • Eco Friendly

  • Pet friendly

  • Stays cool in the summer, built to last through winter and colder climates

  • Reduces carbon emissions


Versatility meets function and performance. We have endless customizability for any project.

Contact Earth Flow Paving today if you’re a homeowner, contractor, developer, designer, or reseller. We are here for all of your paving needs.

“Our entire front yard started washing away in 2019. Getting the garbage and recycling bins around to the side of our house was like dragging a small car through a massive mud pile. That was until Carol Lawless’s team came in a recommended adding permeable paving instead of standard pavers that would just start sinking into the muddy ground. The pea gravel stays in place and does not wash away due to the innovative, recycled plastic grates that go into the ground. These grates lock together to make a sturdy foundation and the pea gravel is shoveled into and on top of. The pea gravel does not wash away because of the little “holes” they fall into in the grate which also allows all the water to drain down instead of washing everything away. Our problem was solved and it looks beautiful as well!”

- Jennifer + Hugh Moffitt


Get in touch.

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